The Pashkov house renovated

English > News > August 14, 2007

August 14, 2007

The Pashkov house

According to Bulgakov the Pashkov house is one of the most beautiful houses in Moscow, but you couldn't see much of its beauty the last few months . The front of the building was completely covered with a huge and ugly publicity pane. For the time of the renovation, so they said. And yes, the pane has gone now and soon Moscow can be seen again the way Woland did.

The building should be passed on to pass it over again to the Lenin Library in September. The plan is to open three divisions of the library here: the collection of manuscripts - among which Bulgakov's -, the cartografical department and the section of musical notes. The central hall of the building will be accomodated as a culturel centre able to host exhibitions, conferences and literary events.

The staff of the Lenin Library is looking forward to welcome the first visitors in the summer of 2008.

Click here to read more about the Pashkov house

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