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10 февраля 2011 г.

We added a new page with illustrations of The Master and Margarita to the website with drawings by Gennady Novozhilov.

Gennady Novozhilov (1936-2007) first got graduated at the Moscow High School of Art, after which he followed animation courses at the Soyuzmult-film studio. At this studio he realized many animated films, after which he worked for the Georgia-film studio.

Gennady Nivozhilov also wrote books himself. He's the author of, among others, Russian Fairy Tales for Children and Adults.

But probably he's best known for his illustrations of many famous novels, and especially since he's the first illustrator ever of The Master and Marga-rita.

Link to the page about Gennady Novozhilov

Геннадий Новожилов

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