Franz Ferdinand

La chanson Love and Destroy, avec le refrain "Margarita - Love and Destroy" figure sur le cd Michael et est basé sur la scène dans laquelle Marguerite vole sur Moscou pour aller à la Nuit de Walpurgis.

Sur le site web de Franz Ferdinand est expliqué ce que signifie la chanson pour Alex Kapranos, le leader du groupe:

"This track, one of Franz Ferdinand's early creations, is based on the novel 'The Master And Margarita' by Mikhail Bulgakov.

Unlike many novels that explore the conflict between Jesus and Pontius Pilate and quickly become theological essays, Bulgakov introduces the Jesus-Pilate conflict and supporting events within a story set in the modern day Russia, complete with witches, sorcery, Satan's ball, and accurate portraits of somewhat complex, contradictory, and sometimes despicable Russian characters bred under absurd communist notions of utopian society.

A dream was turned into reality for Alex when Franz Ferdinand played the song in Russia in May 2005. Early versions of the song are referred to as Margarita."

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