Комикс Бетиной Эггером

6 июня 2013 г.

We already informed you on this website that artist Bettina Egger wanted to tell the story of Mikhail Bulgakov and The Master and Margarita in the form of a comic strip.

Today she told us that the project has been successfully finished. The album Moscou endiablé, sur les traces de Maître et Marguerite or Moscow in Rage, in the footsteps of the Master and Margarita, has just been published by the French publishing house Moule-à-gaufres.

It became, like The Master and Margarita, a fascinating work in three layers in which Bettina Egger interweaves the story of The Master and Margarita with the story of Mikhail Bulgakov's life and with her own exploration of the sources of the novel in Moscow. Highly recommended!

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Беттина Эггер

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