Новости дня

29 июня 2014 г.

Today we added to the Context section of our website a page with a video giving a nice overview of the favorite themes shown in the broadcasts of Новости дня (Novosti dnya) or News of the Day in the cinema theatres of the Soviet Union.

In the heat of the bolshevik revolution in 1917, Vladimir Lenin was asked which propaganda tools would be the most important to the new Soviet regime. He answered that, according to him, the potential of movies just started to manifest itself and that this medium would probably become more important than any other.

Since then, the achievements of the regime were regularly extolled in the Soviet cinemas, supported by images of happy people who were proud to contribute to the realisation of the socialist utopian society.

Click here to read more about it and to watch the video

С каждым днем все радостнее жить

С каждым днем все радостнее жить

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