Музыка Avantscene

1 мая 2015 г.

Today we added to the website a page on the Russian actor Kirill Solyonov and his musical project Avantscene.

In February 2013, Solyonov created Avantscene, a musical project in which he wanted to combine the Scandinavian metal tradition with European symphonic classics and Soviet pop melodies. The project was originally created to promote a new sub-genre in the Russian power-metal, and its music is highly characterised by a high degree of theatricality, both at the level of lyrics and themes

In April 2015, Solyonov released the song Сын зари [Syn Zari] or Son of the Morning, based on The Master and Margarita.

It’s not a coincidence that Kirill Solyonov got inspired by The Master and Margarita, since he plays the roles of Behemoth,  Judas from Kiriath, Ryukhin and Likhodeev  in Sergey Aldonin’s theatre adaptation of the novel, which is regularly played at the Bulgakov House in Moscow.

Click here read more about it and to listen to the song

Кирилл Солёнов

Kirill Solyonov


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