Музыка группы Майкла Пембертона

14 октября 2012 г.

Today we added to the website a new page about the rock opera The Master en Margarita by the Michael Pemberton Band.

Since the beginning of 2012, the New York based singer, songwriter and actor Michael Pemberton is working with his eponymous band on a rock opera based on The Master and Margarita. Although the project is still under development, the band has already given several performances with material from the opera. Pemberton informed us that he has written 19 songs already, and that he hopes to be able to record an album in 2013.

On 31 October 2012, the Michael Pemberton Band plays a Halloween Rock Show at The Cutting Room, 32nd Street 44 E in New York City 10016, where they will play a selection of songs from The Master and Margarita.

Click here to read more about the Michael Pemberton Band


Майкл Пембертон Банд

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