Проклятие Воланда

17 июля 2019 г.

Today we published on this website a page on actors in Vladimir Bortko's TV-series Master i Margarita from 2005 who died unexpectedly.

Several deaths of actors that have occurred since the shootings of this series feed the idea for many Russians that a curse rests upon those who participate in a film adaptation of The Master and Margarita. Some actors died at a young age, others in mysterious or even suspicious circumstances.

Kirill Lavrov, Valery Zolotukhin, Aleksander Abdulov, Vladislav Galkin... 15 deaths, 4 accidents, and still counting. Read more details about The Curse of Woland in our Adaptations section.

Click here to read more about it

Кирилл Лавров, Валерий Золотухин, Александр Абдулов, Владислав Галкин

Кирилл Лавров, Валерий Золотухин, Александр Абдулов, Владислав Галкин


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