Nadya Grunina

English > Adaptations > Illustrations > Colour > Nadya Grunina

Nadya Grunina    Nadya Grunina    Nadya Grunina   

Nadya Grunina    Nadya Grunina    Nadya Grunina   


Nadya Grunina was born in Moscow on December 18, 1979. In 1998 she graduated for cello at the Gnessin Music School. In the same year she star-ted having drawing classes at the V.V. Kireev studio. In 2000 she started studying graphical design at the Moscow State University for Graphical Arts, where she graduated for Illustrations and Graphics in 2006.

Since 2007 she is a Member of the Moscow Artists Union and she got re-gular exhibitions, generally in Moscow.

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