Arina Orlova

English > Adaptations > Illustrations > Colour > Arina Orlova

Arina Orlova    Arina Orlova   Arina Orlova   

Arina Orlova    Arina Orlova    Arina Orlova   

Arina Orlova    Arina Orlova    Arina Orlova   

Arina Orlova   


Arina Orlova (°1982) is an illustrator and visual artist, born and raised in Moscow, where she studied graphic arts and worked in fields of graphic design and illustration. Currently she lives and works in London where she completed Master's degree in Visual Arts and Illustration at the Camberwell College of Arts in London.

In April 2011, she illustrated two volumes out of the series The Library of Children's Classics, published by SLOVO/СЛОВО Publishing House in Moscow. One of the volumes was The Master and Margarita.

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