Danila Zhirov

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Danila Zhirov    Danila Zhirov    Danila Zhirov   

Danila Zhirov    Danila Zhirov   


Danila Zhirov

Danila Igorevich Zhirov (° Moscow, 1950) studied at the Graphic Depart-ment of the Solokhov Moscow State University for Humanities. Trained as a restorer of icons, he soon found his own style in painting large, marble-like paintings, often inspired by themes from The Master and Margarita.

His works are in collections in Russia, Great-Britain, Germany, Greece, Ita-ly, the USA, France and Switzerland. Here are some paintings based on Chapter 23 from the novel: the Great Ball at Satan’s.

Link to the website of Danila Zhirov

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