A.V. Rybyakov

English > Adaptations > Illustrations > Black and white > A.V. Rybyakov

A.V. Rybyakov    A.V. Rybyakov    A.V. Rybyakov   

A.V. Rybyakov    A.V. Rybyakov    A.V. Rybyakov   

A.V. Rybyakov    A.V. Rybyakov    A.V. Rybyakov   

A.V. Rybyakov    A.V. Rybyakov    A.V. Rybyakov   

A.V. Rybyakov    A.V. Rybyakov    A.V. Rybyakov   

A.V. Rybyakov   

A.V. Rybyakov

In 2000, the publishing company Стрелец [Strelets] or Sagittarius published an edition of the novel The Master and Margarita with illustrations by the Russian artist A.V. Rybyakov, about whom little or nothing is known to me (ISBN 5-88887-025-0). For a long time these drawings could not be found on the internet, but in 2019 they were purchased by the Open Society Foundations of the Hungarian-American investor and philanthropist George Soros.

The Russian Marina Kalugina from Perm has made a scan of 16 drawings which you can view on this page.

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