Charlie Stone

English > Adaptations > Illustrations > Black and white > Charlie Stone

Charlie Stone    Charlie Stone    Charlie Stone   

Charlie Stone    Charlie Stone    Charlie Stone   

Charlie Stone    Charlie Stone    Charlie Stone   

Charlie Stone    Charlie Stone    Charlie Stone   

Charlie Stone    Charlie Stone    Charlie Stone   

Charlie Stone

Charles Stone has been carving and laying stone since 1986 all over New Zealand. He originally specialised in accurate-to-the-minute sundials and these days he carves everything from sundials and statues to fountains, furniture and fireplaces.

Charles illustrates books when he has time, and so he made a series of illustrations for The Master and Margarita. It's a series of fifteen illustrations which he published on the internet. In September 2014, Stone's illustrations were shown on an exhibition at the Bulgakov House on Moscow.

Stone also illustrated other famous novels, like Mother by Maxim Gorky and Siddharta by Herman Hesse.

Link to the website of Charlie Stone

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