Splean - Bulgakov's March

English > Adaptations > Music > Rock & Roll > Splean

Сплин [Splean] is a Russian rock band from Saint Petersburg. The band was started by Alexander Vasilyev (°1969) in May 1994. Splean is one of the most popular rock bands in the Russian Federation.

In May 2018, Splean released its new album, called Встречная полоса [Vstrechnaya polosa] or Opposite direction. The album includes 10 songs, written by Alexander Vasilyev, and one more song - entitled Булгаковский марш [Bulgakovsky mars] or The Bulgakov March - with a text from The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov.

The lyrics of The Bulgakov March  come from the song His Excellency, which Bulgakov describes in The Master and Margarita at the end of chapter 12 of the novel. The text is Bulgakov’s free adaptation of a tune from the vaudeville Lev Gurych Sinichkin, or a Provincial Debutante, written by Dmitry Timofeevich Lensky (1805-1860) in 1839.




Technical details


Встречная полоса [Vstrechnaya polosa]
Opposite direction


Alexander Vasiliev - vocals, rhythm guitar, guitar
Nikolay Rostovsky - keyboards
Vadim Sergeev - guitar
Alexei Meshcheryakov - drums
Dmitry Kunin - bass guitar




Click here to visit the website of Splean

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